Earth Day 2021: What are You Doing to Reduce Hazardous Materials and Substitute with Safer Alternatives?
Strategic Realm Consulting has now been around for a year. Happy Anniversary to us! Our first blog was one year ago to coincide with Earth Day 2020. So it seems appropriate to pay another tribute to Earth Day again this year. Last year we asked, "What is your...
Confidential Information
Have you ever received a message from a company you do business with that your data may have been compromised? How did that make you feel? I think most of us have been there, and you feel helpless. At that point, there’s nothing you can do. You can take steps to avoid...
Responsible Communications
Does anyone remember playing the game of "Telephone" when you were a kid? Someone starts by whispering a phrase into the ear of the person next to them, and it continues being passed along until the last person states the phrase out loud. It's pretty funny to hear...
Enforcement of Chemical Regulations
Happy New Year! We are inundated with emails and social media postings about how to make a better you in the new year. Some people embrace this idea, others ignore it. Whichever category you fall into is OK. You have to do what's right for you, and nobody can tell...
HazCom Updates – Part 2
In last month's blog on Hazard Communication (HazCom) updates, I wrote about attending the Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC) virtual conference, and I promised a few additional nuggets of information this month. (Also, in case you’re wondering, my...
HazCom Updates
I saw this meme on Social Media that said: “If you see me talking to myself, I’m having a Staff Meeting.” Such is the way for those of us who are self-employed. Although it’s pretty funny, it also reminds me to get out there and network as much as possible. ...
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Let’s talk to see how we can help you with your strategic approaches to regulatory compliance.
Denise Kotz
Strategic Realm Consulting
P.O. Box 553
Hudson, Ohio 44236
Phone: 330.697.6871