If you’re not sure what is meant by circular economy, refer to the graphic that was developed by The Netherlands government. It’s basically an economy where all raw materials are used or reused. If you click on the graphic, you can review their article in depth.

Image from https://www.government.nl/topics/circular-economy/from-a-linear-to-a-circular-economy

So, what is your company doing to reduce its footprint and drive towards a circular economy? Hopefully, you have an answer to this, even if it’s not very lofty. All improvements make a difference. If you can’t think of a single thing that your company is doing, perhaps it’s time to start.

Some suggestions:

  • Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Improve energy efficiency in your production processes. Develop products that enable your customers to improve their energy efficiency.
  • Improve Water Conservation: Recycle water streams where possible.
  • Reduce Air Pollutants: Identify hazardous materials and determine if safer alternatives could be substituted.
  • Reduce Materials Being Sent to a Landfill: Search for ways to reduce your waste cycles. For the waste you can’t eliminate, find creative outlets to sell or reuse in your own processes.

In all cases, you need to start with an assessment and measurement of your current practices. Then your company should set some goals that are specific, measurable and realistic. Also importantly, your company should compile a plan to achieve those goals. After all, implementing such changes is not just good for the environment, it also makes good business sense.

At Strategic Realm Consulting, we can help with life cycle assessments and collaborate on ideas for better sustainability. Contact us, and let’s discuss ways we can help you make improvements.